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Editor’s note: Robin Doege, who joined our team as EUSCO vice president earlier this year, shares his insights on the EUSCO division and the role it plays in many of our members’ and customers’ operations.

Question: While EUSCO has been a division of RESCO for approximately 25 years, some readers may not be familiar with the service. Could you share with us a brief overview of what EUSCO is and the types of services your team provides to members and customers?

Answer: Electric Utility Supply Cooperative (EUSCO) is primarily the technical equipment and services arm of RESCO. Our team of engineers and technology experts works with manufacturers and utilities to provide equipment and technology solutions. EUSCO has strong connections to the utilities we serve in North Dakota, South Dakota, Eastern Montana, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Western Michigan and Minnesota.

Q: What makes EUSCO and its services unique in our industry?

A: EUSCO is a division of the larger RESCO. RESCO provides EUSCO’s support functions like human resources, information technology, and accounting/finance. This allows EUSCO the ability to focus on our customers and manufacturer partners.

Q: What types of manufacturers do you work with? Any new companies that have recently been added to the EUSCO line card?

A: EUSCO represents 16 manufacturing and technology companies that provide products and services to electrical distribution utilities. We work with our manufacturers to serve electrical cooperatives, municipalities, and investor-owned utilities. Our manufacturers include metering and meter technology, meter testing, substation transformers, SCADA, substation communications, and drone data analytics. The newest addition to EUSCO’s line card is Buzz Solutions, which utilizes drone imagery and AI to develop analytics for maintenance, outage management, and asset management.

Q: Representatives from both the RESCO and EUSCO teams often participate in the same industry events, such as trade shows and meetings. How do members of your team interact and collaborate with members of the RESCO team?

A: Having both RESCO and EUSCO representatives at utility industry trade shows and events assures that RESCO/EUSCO provides all the solutions required for a utility to be successful. Most of the products sold by RESCO/EUSCO are complimentary. For example, RESCO may provide substation components like switches and hardware to a utility. EUSCO can come alongside and provide a substation transformer, substation automation, and substation communications equipment for that same project.

Q: What are some of your focus areas and goals for this year and beyond?

A: EUSCO is always looking for ways to serve our customers better. And work hard to promote our manufacturer and technology partners. EUSCO sales engineers and staff are the connection between the manufacturers we represent and our customers. Our goal is to provide world-class customer service and timely, accurate communications with our customers and manufacturers.

We’re geared up and ready for our visit to the Lone Star State, site of this year’s NRECA TechAdvantage Experience.

Held March 3-6 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, the conference will provide attendees with new ways to optimize their technology systems with cutting -edge solutions.

Conference sessions and activities will help eventgoers identify best practices and products that help resolve engineering, IT, energy services, operations, supply chain management, and business challenges by unlocking the power of innovation and collaboration.

If you’re attending, be sure to stop by our booth to say ‘hi’ (Booth 1028).

Since May 2023, we’ve shared monthly timelapse videos that provided a timely visual of the progress of construction of our new warehouse in Stanley, WI. Construction of the exterior of the building and outdoor infrastructure was completed in mid-November 2023, and we’re pleased to share with you this final timelapse video that showcases the complete construction of the warehouse and grounds from start to finish.

To view the timelapse video, click here.